What is an EOS Accountability Chart, and how do I create one?

One of the biggest tools that EOS (the Entrepreneurial Operating System) provides to companies is an Accountability chart. The tool is a visual aid usually created while starting the implementation of EOS into an organization, and helps define all the roles, responsibilities, and accountability within an entire organization. The chart can look something like this:

Image Source: https://www.boldclarity.com/eos-accountability-chart

The EOS Accountability Chart is important for helping organizations define and clarify their different roles. Sometimes, especially within small businesses, confusion and wasted time can bog down employees, from any level. By identifying who is responsible for what within the organization, the employees can take responsibility and work towards their goals with clarity. And by giving employees ownership over their roles and accountability, they can become more empowered, motivated, and engaged.

To create their own accountability chart, an organization should take these steps:

  • Identify the major functions of the organization. This can be done by brainstorming with the leadership team and reviewing the mission statement and strategic plan
  • List the roles for each function.
  • Assign responsibilities to each role
  • Identify the person(s) responsible for each role.
  • Review the chart regularly to make sure it stays up to date

While fairly simple, when a business is just starting out or struggling, there can be a lot of muddied waters. A lack of clarity can lead to wasted time and effort, sinking morale, lower profits, and more. With an accountability chart, and clear definitions of what someone’s responsibilities are, this can help lead to increased communication, increased enthusiasm, and the ability to identify problems before they become major.




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